news reader

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Mon Oct 22 15:07:34 UTC 2007

On 22/10/2007, Fajar Priyanto <fajarpri at> wrote:
> Actually what is the different between mailing list (with online reading) and
> newsgroup? Why people still use newsgroup?

Mailing lists are precisely that - a list of email addresses that
regularly post email to a server which reflects that email out to all
other interested parties. Consequently you need to have access to your
email account to be able to read the mail.

With a newsgroup you do not need to be subscribed with a specific
email address. You can read a newsgroup from any PC which has an NNTP

It's less of an issue these days as email addresses are common and the
proliferation on web-based email packages like Gmail make picking up
email a breeze regardless of physical location. Back in the early 90's
email addresses for individuals were uncommon - ISP's often used to
charge extra if you wanted one - consequently Usenet was very popular.

When 1 person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many people
suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

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