news reader

Pete Clapham w.clapham at
Mon Oct 22 15:04:04 UTC 2007

A newsgroup is basically a bulletin board.  It is a /wonderful/ way of 
storing information that doesn't change and which people might wish to 
relate to.  I use them (my favored one is dnews) in teaching -- a way of 
enabling students to compare notes -- and in an organization for which I 
was secretary to post significant documents.  It doesn't have the 
immediacy of a listserve, but it doesn't need to. 

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> On Monday 22 October 2007 19:34:05 Steve Flynn wrote:
>> Yes - it's alive, kicking and as strong as ever.
>>> Because my ISP had stopped it's news server long time ago.
>> NNTP is expensive for an ISP to support - as a result it's one of the
>> first things to go in cost cutting exercises.
>>> Which NNTP do you use?
>> Giganews.
> I remember a long time ago that one of the first online (web) newsgroup is 
> Now it's redirected to google groups.
> Actually what is the different between mailing list (with online reading) and 
> newsgroup? Why people still use newsgroup?

Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Voice:  [216] 687-4820
Fax:  [216] 687-6972
w.clapham at

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