Which notebook?

Tim M southern.tim at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 16:13:01 UTC 2007

On 10/20/07, Ashley Benton <meggalen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, a friend of me wants to buy a notebook and wants me to install Ubuntu
> on it . Do you know what notebook she should buy (not too expensive) and
> which new notebook would be compatible with Ubuntu without causing me too
> much trouble with the installation.
> Thank you
> Meg

Hi Meg,

I have had good luck with my Dell Inspiron 1200 . . . one of the 1500 series
should work well. With the Ubuntu 7.10 - the Gutsy Gibbon I have had no
problems with wireless drivers. All you have to do it hit F12 as you boot
and select boot from CD (at least on the 1200) and let her rip. You can but
a Dell with Ubuntu preinstalled. I don't have the URL . . . Dell hides it
pretty well on there regular site. Someone will know the URL or you can
google it.
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