Install hung- how's my old system?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Oct 18 20:26:45 UTC 2007

On 18/10/2007, Robert Hodgins <ehodgins at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-18-10 at 21:43 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I'm installing Gutsy over Feisty, not upgrading. However, the system
> > has been stuck on 82% ("Configuring apt. Scanning the mirror...") for
> > over an hour now. Should I continue to be patient? Can I jump start it
> > somehow? How will my old system be if I interrupt it at this stage?
> The book, Hacking Ubuntu, by Neal Krawetz, says that upgrades can take
> 3X longer than a clean install. As an example, he wrote that a 550MHz
> machine took less than 30 minutes for a network (clean) install but just
> less than 4 hours for an upgrade.
> As well, IIRC, if you have "non-repository" stuff in there, the upgrade
> will take longer.
> Interrupting things now might not be a good idea. You'd have a Gutsy
> Fawn (or some such.) If you are impatient, restart doing a clean
> install.
> (You did back up /home first, right?)
> Rob

Thanks, but this was a clean install, not an upgrade. I have /home on
a seperate partion, for just these occasions. I was wondering how my
old system was in the event that Gutsy would not install on this
[problematic] machine. It would be a shame to reinstall Feisty.

Dotan Cohen

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