Update Open Office on Feisty Fawn

Gunawan jgun98.milis at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 05:46:14 UTC 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "NoOp" <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>
To: <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Update Open Office on Feisty Fawn

> On 10/17/2007 05:58 PM, Gunawan wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Bruce Marshall" <bmarsh at bmarsh.com>
>>> I wouldn't think you'd ever get it to work by converting the RPM's.   A
>>> single
>>> program, usually, but that many RPM's, not likely.
>>> But why didn't you download the DEB files at this page?
>>> http://download.openoffice.org/2.3.0/index.html
>>> See the small print  under the Linux download.
>> I also have download DEBS files but still get the same error while
>> installing desktop-integration package.
>> additional information is I did not remove previous version of Open 
>> Office
>> before install the new one.
> You did fine (w/RPM's & DEBs)... almost. In order to install the
> debian-menus from OOo you first need to uninstall Ubuntu's OOo. See:
> http://www.8daysaweek.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=759
> for instructions.
> Before you do that however, you might first try checking to see if the
> installed version runs ok: /opt/openoffice.org2.3/program/soffice
> If it does, then you can choose to install paths in your application
> menus my hand (right-click Applications|Edit Menus|Office|Add), or
> install debian-menus. Personally I just uninstall ubuntu-desktop *
> (U)OOo and go with debian-menus & OOo 2.3 and that way all symlinks are
> set up correctly.
> However, be aware that before you upgrade to Gutsy you'll need to
> reinstall ubuntu-desktop for the upgrade - you can remove it again
> afterwards if you wish. Note: 'ubuntu-desktop' is a meta package &
> doesn't remove the Gnome desktop etc.
> -- 

Thank you NoOp for the reply, but I do not really understand regarding 
uninstall ubuntu-desktop.
Is that a command that I should run in terminal windows?

Bruce has truncate the error message, perhaps you could advise me is that 
really because I do not
uninstall previous version first? because I have tried in add/remove program 
but won't works.

joe at joe-desktop:~/temp/OOG680_m5_native_packed-1_en-US.9221/DEBS/desktop-integration$ 
joe at joe-desktop:~/temp/OOG680_m5_native_packed-1_en-US.9221/DEBS/desktop-integration$ 
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
dpkg: regarding openoffice.org-debian-menus_2.3-9215_all.deb containing 
 openoffice.org-core conflicts with openoffice.org-unbundled
  openoffice.org-debian-menus provides openoffice.org-unbundled and is to be 
dpkg: error processing openoffice.org-debian-menus_2.3-9215_all.deb 
 conflicting packages - not installing openoffice.org-debian-menus
Errors were encountered while processing:
joe at joe-desktop:~/temp/OOG680_m5_native_packed-1_en-US.9221/DEBS/desktop-integration$


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