Ubuntu and Authconfig

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Wed Oct 17 18:33:11 UTC 2007

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I notice that authconfig is available in Feisty repo. How compatible is it 
> with Ubuntu? I want to use it to make my Ubuntu authenticated to LDAP. Can 
> anyone share experience?

    Not with experience in authconfig (at least under Ubuntu; I used to 
be a Fedora-guy.

    But I'm running LDAP here; it's clean, simple, and easy.  I'm using 
the regular, un-patched OpenLDAP from the dapper repo, a little 
configuration and I admin it with PHPMyLdapAdmin. (It's a family home, 
so there's not much to do.)

    The Community-Supported Wiki is pretty good for setting up the 
clients; it's what I use, and I help to maintain them.  But don't be 
surprised if at least ONE of your clients winds up needing to be 
reloaded; typos stink.

    Ubuntu's LDAP environment is very, very robust and not too hard to 
do, once you've done it (I'd rate it at 1.2 Sendmails) but it's nothing 
like authconfig under Fedora.  But they're working on it: they know it 
needs developed, and they're doing a good job.

    If you'd like examples of files, etc or you get stuck on the Wiki, 
drop me a line, I'll help ya through it.

  Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
  Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
  ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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