School Project; please read

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Wed Oct 17 02:31:25 UTC 2007

Dick Dowdell wrote:
> Brian,
> Virtualization is the only safe way to run Linux on an unpartitioned Window
> disk.  It also saves the problems that dual booting Windows and Linux can
> create for your students.  It's so easy that you could set it up in an
> afternoon.  Further, snapshots give students a safe and easy way to undo a
> screwed up admin assignment.

     Yeah, I'm leaning that'd be easier if the local techs were 
already paid to deal with VMWare (or similar). It might be asking to 
much for them to fiddle around with it.

     It'll probably go like this:

     Phase One: a crappy, startup-class with Live disks.

     Phase Two: an LTSP setup which requires nothing of the hard drive, 

     Phase Three: Linux clients with VMWare 'engines' handed out by the 
server, OR something from VirtualBox, whichever works best.

     But it's not my call to make sweeping changes to their 
infrastructure. It's entirely possible they won't approve *any* changes, 
especially if it requires money.  But we'll see how this goes; I'll 
update everyone on progress.


  Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
  Evansville, IN                    
  ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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