Dell Inspiron 1200 Ubuntu 7.10 Fan not working

Darren Mansell darren at
Tue Oct 16 18:51:50 UTC 2007

Paul S wrote:
> NoOp said the following on 10/16/2007 01:19 PM:
>> On 10/15/2007 04:10 AM, Tim M wrote:
>>> P.S. Under 7.04 I was finally able to get a little program to get the fan
>>> working but set on automatic it ran all the time flat out. When I have the
>>> hard drive with XP installed in the laptop the fan is seldom on. Of course
>>> with XP I have no idea what the cpu temperature is.
> My laptop also got real hot after I installed gutsy.  I couldn't figure 
> out why, but finally got gkrellm running and noticed the cpu running 
> near 100% all the time.  Turns out the new desktop search feature 
> "tracker" was the culprit.  Once I turned it off by menu System > 
> Preferences > Indexing Preferences, my cpu dropped to low and the 
> temperature came back to normal.  So, maybe you should check this if 
> you're afraid to run gutsy to troubleshoot the problem.
I have to add p4_clockmod to my /etc/modules to get my Celeron to speedstep.

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