Connecting TWO PCs under (Ed)ubuntu Desktop 7.04

Rapael Morcha raphael.morcha at
Tue Oct 16 00:14:06 UTC 2007

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 11:37:23AM -0300, Emanuel wrote:
> I apologize that on the last email I make the
> mistake  changing "TWO" for "to".
> ---------------------------------------------------
>   Hi, 
>   Please, could someone tell me how can I configure
> machine which OS is the Edubuntu Desktop 7.04 to
> communicate between them through a cross cable ?
>   Especifically, I am searching a way to transfer
> files between the computers.

Start ssh server in one of them-
Machine 1-
$ invoke-rc.d ssh start

Configure IP address for each machines network interface-
Machine 1 (runs ssh server)-
$ ifconfig eth0

Machine 2-
$ ifconfig eth0

Connect both machine using ethernet cable.

Start ssh client on Machine 2
$ ssh -X someuser at

Mount file system on Machine 2 using sshfs (you need sshfs)
>From Machine 2-
$ sshfs someuser at /some/local/dir

>   I tried also (but I have not a deep knowledge on
> networking) to make the communication between the
> Edubuntu Desktop 7.04 and a pc under Windows XP
> without success.

This can be best done using cifs/smb. I am not the best person to answer that however.


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