finetune OpenSSH Server to pass over the 3MB/s limit

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Oct 15 17:27:26 UTC 2007

On Monday 15 October 2007, Ruben Laban wrote:
> If the SSH server is a low end machine, it probably just can't handle the
> encryption for higher speeds. Does the load of the server spike when
> transferring at 3MB/s?

Additionally, the overall throughput of sending data will never reach the 
speed of the connection.   A 3MB rate is only true *while the stream of data 
is running*.   That is, the sending of a single packet of data.

There are many, many other things which go on...  the reading of data on the 
send-end  and the writing of data on the recv-end plus the movement of disk 
arms, plus scheduling the operations, plus possible collisions of data on the 
LAN  etc. 

A lower than 3MB rate would be very normal.

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