
Dennis Castanos castanos at
Fri Oct 12 00:44:37 UTC 2007

I like Feisty.  It does everything that I want it to do for my interest.
If Gusty has issues with anything that I want it to do, I would have the
option to simply boot to Feisty until the bugs are out.  who knows,
maybe I could send in a bug report. - Dennis

On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 21:16 -0700, Twist O'Connor wrote:
> just wondering though, why would ytou want more then 1
> linux/ubuntu.... i could understand if you wanted 1 thats ubuntu and
> one thats like linux straight but 2 ubuntus is kinda wiered......
> anyways you can... if you have windows... setting up a partition is
> super easy!
> right click computer in start menu... click on manage
> disk usage... click on it
> right click on your main partition.... prob windows'
> click shrink volume and pick the size you want the extra OS to be
> then when you install click "guided partition... use all availible
> space"
> there you go... piece of cake
> On 10/3/07, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote: 
>         On 03/10/2007, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
>         > You can have as many linux systems as you want without it
>         taking a lot of
>         > work.   I've never tried for more than one Windows
>         installation on a machine
>         > because of Windows needs to be on the first active
>         partition.   That may have 
>         > changed but I don't keep up with Windows changes.
>         That hasn't been the case since about Windows 2, if then, so
>         not for
>         about 20 years. How long have you been out of touch? :¬)
>         MS-DOS and the Windows /boot loader/ expect to be in the MBR
>         and the 
>         boot sector of the 1st primary partition. It doesn't need to
>         be but
>         that's what it expects.
>         Windows itself will run from any partition on any drive that
>         the BIOS
>         and the bootloader can see. This is true of Win3, Win9x,
>         WinNT/2K/XP. 
>         My normal base multiboot install is:
>         [C: 32-2047MB primary FAT16 - bootable with MS-DOS for
>         emergencies,
>         BIOS flash &c]
>         [Extended partition]
>         |_ [logical FAT32 D: \Windows
>         |_ [logical Linux root 
>         |_ [logical Linux home
>         |_ [logical FAT32 shared data
>         |_ [logical Linux swap]
>         Keeping C: as a FAT16 volume makes like easy. /Everything/ can
>         read
>         that. You can put the Windows pagefile in there to reduce 
>         fragmentation of the Windows system drive.
>         For an easy life, install Windows first, /then/ install Linux,
>         and
>         LILO or GRUB will be installed in the MBR and the installer
>         puts in an
>         entry or entries for Windows for you. 
>         --
>         Liam Proven • Profile:
>         Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut:
>         lproven at
>         Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44
>         870-9151419
>         AOL/AIM/iChat: liamproven at • MSN/Messenger:
>         lproven at
>         Yahoo: liamproven at • Skype: liamproven • ICQ:
>         73187508
>         --
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