
Twist O'Connor takuachronicler at
Sat Oct 6 04:16:06 UTC 2007

just wondering though, why would ytou want more then 1 linux/ubuntu.... i
could understand if you wanted 1 thats ubuntu and one thats like linux
straight but 2 ubuntus is kinda wiered...... anyways you can... if you have
windows... setting up a partition is super easy!
right click computer in start menu... click on manage
disk usage... click on it
right click on your main partition.... prob windows'
click shrink volume and pick the size you want the extra OS to be
then when you install click "guided partition... use all availible space"
there you go... piece of cake

On 10/3/07, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On 03/10/2007, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
> > You can have as many linux systems as you want without it taking a lot
> of
> > work.   I've never tried for more than one Windows installation on a
> machine
> > because of Windows needs to be on the first active partition.   That may
> have
> > changed but I don't keep up with Windows changes.
> That hasn't been the case since about Windows 2, if then, so not for
> about 20 years. How long have you been out of touch? :¬)
> MS-DOS and the Windows /boot loader/ expect to be in the MBR and the
> boot sector of the 1st primary partition. It doesn't need to be but
> that's what it expects.
> Windows itself will run from any partition on any drive that the BIOS
> and the bootloader can see. This is true of Win3, Win9x, WinNT/2K/XP.
> My normal base multiboot install is:
> [C: 32-2047MB primary FAT16 - bootable with MS-DOS for emergencies,
> BIOS flash &c]
> [Extended partition]
> |_ [logical FAT32 D: \Windows
> |_ [logical Linux root
> |_ [logical Linux home
> |_ [logical FAT32 shared data
> |_ [logical Linux swap]
> Keeping C: as a FAT16 volume makes like easy. /Everything/ can read
> that. You can put the Windows pagefile in there to reduce
> fragmentation of the Windows system drive.
> For an easy life, install Windows first, /then/ install Linux, and
> LILO or GRUB will be installed in the MBR and the installer puts in an
> entry or entries for Windows for you.
> --
> Liam Proven • Profile:
> Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
> Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
> AOL/AIM/iChat: liamproven at • MSN/Messenger: lproven at
> Yahoo: liamproven at • Skype: liamproven • ICQ: 73187508
> --
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