Boot screen: Quiet or not?

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Wed Oct 10 14:41:05 UTC 2007

Mario Vukelic has written on 10/10/2007 1:22 AM:

> On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 19:57 -0400, Pete Holsberg wrote:
>> How does that differ from an option or a preference or a configuration
>> item?
> It does not clutter the UI and confuse non-expert users.

Aha! So you're against real-time options! I see.
>> I thought you were espousing the "take it or leave it" position.
> Please read the essay by Havoc Pennington that I linked to.
I did. He says some good things but in the end, it's really just his 

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