Boot screen: Quiet or not?

Steve Lamb grey at
Wed Oct 10 05:54:27 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> There are better ways for this than a busy boot screen. E.g., enable
> bootlogging in /etc/default/bootlogd, and/or run dmesg after start,
> and/or check your logs

    That doesn't help if the boot doesn't go through.  Quite frankly I am
dismayed to see any Linux go towards this fluff so as not to "confuse" users.
 I don't call it confusion, I call it educating.  I call it a godsend to the
son who is 400 miles away from the Linux router he set up for his father that
hung on boot.  I don't have to walk him through repairing the system blind
because boot messages might not tell him squat but I can close my eyes and ask
him to read the last line.  Once I've got that I can ask him to scan the
screen and read a line with a phrase in it that relates.  That's enough to
give me an idea if it is something fixable from remote.  What good is having
an error or its context hidden behind a pretty screen that is only seen for a
few seconds.

    "Confused" users either learn to ignore it or learn to read it.  Educated
users don't have that option when it is obfuscated.  If I want obsfucation of
the boot process my father would be running Win2k for his network's NAT
router/firewall and not Linux.

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |   And dream I do...
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