Power Management - did not shut down on low battery

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 23:02:21 UTC 2007

I'm new to this list - hallo!

Background: I'm running the Gutsy beta on a brand-spankin' new Dell
Vostro 1500 laptop.  Had only minor difficulties with install -
nothing unexpected from a RC.

Problem: I made sure the (Gnome?) Power Management applet was set to
shutdown when battery power reaches "critical".  Last night, I ran the
battery all of the way down, and it just kerplunked when the juice ran
out.   I was expecting a clean shutdown at 1 or 2 percent.

A quick google search didn't turn anything up - I assume this is a bug
of some component (which one?) and needs to be filed.  Before I do
that, I wanted to run this past the list - anyone else have any
problems with g-p-m on a laptop?  Or any advice at all?


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