DVD backup
ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Tue Oct 9 20:10:58 UTC 2007
tsai wrote:
> Hi all,
> Firstly, I am using Feisty Fawn 7.04 i386 and Debian 4.0 amd64.
> I am trying to backup several of my dvds, because some of my favorite
> movies were destroyed by the kids. I have successfully save some
> to .iso and then be able to burn them again using the growisofs
> command. I ran into a problem though with one wherein only 1.7gb is
> saved to iso, then growisofs stops. Here is the output:
> root at ai:/home/ai/Movies# dd if=/dev/hdc of=JustinBday.iso
> dd: reading `/dev/hdc': Input/output error
> 3257824+0 records in
> 3257824+0 records out
> 1668005888 bytes (1.7 GB) copied, 318.035 seconds, 5.2 MB/s
> root at ai:/home/ai/Movies#
> Any ideas as to what went wrong?
JustinBday... is that a home made DVD movie? (ie, recorded on a DVD-R or
some such).. dd is simply reading past the end of the recording and
hitting a wall, happens every time.
You need the isoinfo command. There should be a Ubuntu package for it.
type isoinfo -d -i /dev/hdc
Among the output of isoinfo, there should be a volume size: ..
For example: Volume size is: 2248094
Then you would use dd like this
dd if=/dev/hdc of=bday.iso bs=2048 count=2248094
bs should always be 2048 (though you should confirm this with the output
of isoinfo, it's the Byte Size:). Change count to match whatever
isoinfo says the volume size is.
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