Ubuntu-rescue-remix (formerly known as Rescubuntu)

Andrew Zajac arzajac at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 00:49:12 UTC 2007

Rescubuntu is now known as Ubuntu-rescue-remix with a brand new website:

Ubuntu Rescue Remix is a GNU/Linux live cd that provides the data
recovery expert with a command-line interface environment equipped
with the best free-libre, open source data recovery and forensics
tools available.

Since Ubuntu uses many filesystem and hardware detection libraries in
its live cd, it makes sense to make a remix of the live cd for data
recovery use.

The Rescue-remix is built from scratch, using the technique detailed here:

I am proud to announce the latest release of Ubuntu-rescue-remix.
Version 7.10-BETA is available here:

Version 7.10 of the Rescue-remix will be released once Ubuntu 7.10 is released.

As always, your help is greatly needed and appreciated.  Please
discuss development or report bugs here:

As well, discuss data recovery techniques or ask for data recovery help here:


Andrew Zajac

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