7.04 and LTSP

Tom Misilo tmisilo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 12:37:16 UTC 2007

> This is a LTSP Problem, It looks, like you need to install something
> more... ;-). Maybe you can follow the LTSP instructions that you gave
> earlier?

Already did ....

> > Also the server seems to now work with both interfaces up. Just some
> > glitches of having to restart eth0 to get the internet to work on it.
> > Also, the internet still doesn't work on a windows client that is
> > attached to the 192.168.1.X network.
> ???? So one interface connects to the Internet and the other to the
> internal (LTSP-)network.
No they both connect to two different internal subnets, My
router/accesspoint connects to the internet through another modem.

>What is now the windows clients job in this
> regard?
To be a client ... I think I have this working for somereason
ip_forward wasn't set to 1
> If this is located within the internal LTSP network, you need to
> ensure that
> -the internet interface of the server is up

Both interfaces are up.

> -routing is working properly on the server

Routing works fine on the server i believe ...

> -the windows client gets a dhcp address from the server or is configured
> statically, but neverteheless properly for the internal network, using
> the internal interface of the server as the default gateways address.

They windows client gets an address from the server

I think the windows client problem is fixed, now to figure out what is
missing from the steps on that website.



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