FTP broken?

Michele m.zarri at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 11:14:20 UTC 2007

On 10/7/07, Thilo Six <T.Six at gmx.de> wrote:
> Michele wrote the following on 06.10.2007 18:03
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop.
> > I tried to synch a remote directory (ftp.3gpp.org <http://ftp.3gpp.org>)
> when i open http://ftp.3gpp.org
>             ^^^^
> I get:
> Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)
> ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/
> ^^^
> works.
> > with a local directory in my home partition and get an error.
> >
> > Interestingly I can synch from my desktop (also running 7.04) and when
> > pressing the synch button the directory structure is created on my local
> > folder but as soon as the program starts downloading the files in the
> > sub directories I get an error.
> Which one?
> > I tried both with Krusader (my favourite option) and gftp.
> I have tried it here with wget and it works but your problem seems to be
> the
> wrong protocol (see above).
> > Any clue on what to look at to solve this problem?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Michele
> bye
> --
> Thilo
> key: 0x4A411E09
> --
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Hello Thilo,

apologies about the mistake. I am definitely using ftp.

here's the log produced by gftp.  I marked with *s two lines, one that
informs me that the local directory created has been changed to mode 555 (is
this good?)
The other line where gftp tells me that the permission to write in this
directory (which it created!!) was denied.

I have a similar problem when using Krusader (directories created ok, but
files skipped). but do not know how to create a log file for that.



gFTP 2.0.18, Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Brian Masney <masneyb at gftp.org>. If you
have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this program, please feel
free to email them to me. You can always find out the latest news about gFTP
from my website at http://www.gftp.org/
gFTP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details, see the COPYING file.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; for details, see the COPYING file
Viewing file /tmp/gftp-view.XXXXn0JshF
Successfully removed /tmp/gftp-view.XXXXn0JshF
Successfully changed local directory to /home/michele/3GPP/SA2-60
Looking up ftp.3gpp.org
Trying www.3gpp.org:21
Connected to ftp.3gpp.org:21
220 Microsoft FTP Service
USER anonymous
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
PASS xxxx
230 Anonymous user logged in.
215 Windows_NT
200 Type set to I.
257 "/" is current directory.
Loading directory listing / from server (LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8)
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,234,161,21,12,189).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
CWD /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda" is current directory.
Loading directory listing /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda from server
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,234,161,21,12,192).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
CWD /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe" is current directory.
Loading directory listing /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe from server
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,234,161,21,12,195).
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
226 Transfer complete.
CWD /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda
250 CWD command successful.
Loading directory listing /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda from cache
CWD /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe
250 CWD command successful.
Successfully made directory /home/michele/3GPP/SA2-60/Agenda
***************** Successfully changed mode of
/home/michele/3GPP/SA2-60/Agenda to 555
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,234,161,21,12,200).
RETR /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda/S2-073950_Draft_Agenda_v3.zip
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Error: Cannot open local file
Permission denied
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
226 ABOR command successful.
Cannot find an IP address in PASV response '226 ABOR command successful.'
Disconnecting from site ftp.3gpp.org
Error: Remote site disconnected after trying to transfer file
Could not download /tsg_sa/WG2_Arch/TSGS2_60_Kobe/Agenda/S2-073951_IMS SWG
Agenda for SA2#60 V3.zip from ftp.3gpp.org
Error: Remote site ftp.3gpp.org disconnected. Will reconnect in 30 seconds
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