Command Line Interfaces

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Fri Oct 5 20:19:40 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 16:06 -0400, Pete Holsberg wrote:
> I have an unopened 1999 "Linux in a Nutshell",

Usually I would say, "1999? Forget it", but Linux in a Nutshell may have
aged gracefully, content-wise. BUT, newer editions are much expanded and
better. Much of the old LiaN you will care little about. groff?

> and an unopened hardcover 
> "Linix Companion for System Administrators". Looks like time to open the 
> latter!

>From when is that? If older than 2 or 3 years, forget that too. Sooo
much has changed, udev, dbus, HAL, all the security tools like apparmor,
SELinux, etc. And the desktop environments even more. I believe
GNU/Linux moves swifter than any other mainstream OS.

Oh, and check the title once more. If they really wrote "Linix",
beware! ;)

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