Command Line Interfaces

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Fri Oct 5 18:37:13 UTC 2007

Mario Vukelic pounded out the following on his or her keyboard on 
10/5/2007 2:21 PM:
> On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 12:52 -0400, Pete Holsberg wrote:
>> Actually, nothing associated with X was around when I was "good" at
>> Unix and it looks like most of the filenames have changed under Linux.
> The console is not X, and the console tools have nothing to do with X,
> either. However, while the paths have not changed _that_ much from Unix
> variants to Linux, the available tools certainly have. I remember
> Debian's switch to console-tools (from whatever they used before), it
> may have been 8 or 9 years ago.

I don't recall seeing anything like console-tools under AT&T Unix or 
Solaris. We had VT-xxx terminals (or PCs with terminal emulators) and it 
was very simple to configure them.

Introducing X has apparently introduced complications in console 
configuration. For example, I get one screen resolution when I boot into 
recovery mode and a completely different one when I "three-finger" to a 
console. What I'm seeking is a way to get the same screen resolution 
(the recovery mode one) for both.

Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ

That's OK; I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway
--Anonymous Bumper Sticker
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