Bad traffic rates to

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Fri Oct 5 15:42:56 UTC 2007

email.listen at wrote:
> I noticed that de.archives is the same machine as archives.
> But what is worse (especially short before release of gutsy) is the transfer 
> rate I see. Mostly between 10 to 40 KB/sec and by this a download of one of 
> the dvd images will last more than 24 hours. For those who have adsl here in 
> germany and who will download per http and not per ftp this is longer than a 
> line is connected. 

use wget to download. Then, after the line is disconnected, use wget -c
to continue.

Or download per http or ftp until you get disconnected.

After reconnect, you can also continue with wget -c.


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