Noobie question concerning upgrading, was Re: Daper -> Fiesty

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Oct 3 13:36:18 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 09:55 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> The problems he faced _are_ going to be
> faced by the developers when they provide a dapper to next-LTS
> upgrade, and
> I'm just dieing to see how they cope.

As I pointed out, I don't think there are any fundamental technical
problems problems. Ubuntu's update-manager is explicitly there because
it allows developers to tailor a specific upgrade by special-casing
problematic areas. This is something that general-purpose tools like
aptitude cannot (or at least do not) provide, and hence the user has to
supply the required logic in this case.

Prior do upgrading the whole distro, the dapper-update channel allows
pushing of any needed updates to Dapper in general as well as
update-manager in particular.

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