is it possible to edit files directly on FTP?

Hex Star hexstar at
Wed Oct 3 00:09:23 UTC 2007

On 10/2/07, Gabriel Dragffy <gabe at> wrote:
> For example using Gnome I can create a folder on the Desktop that
> shows me the files in my webserver. I double-click a file and it
> opens in Gedit, which is great, but it won't let me save that file
> back to the FTP folder after making changes. Is there anyway to
> achieve this, it would be so convenient!

This really depends on the ftp client you use, there are some which achieve
this by using a internal file editor which opens a downloaded local copy of
the file and then whenever you save the file it uploads the new saved
file... Unfortunately I only know of Windows and Mac FTP clients that do
this, at least out of the box anyways
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