Noobie question concerning upgrading, was Re: Daper -> Fiesty

Felipe Figueiredo philsf79 at
Tue Oct 2 23:07:00 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 02 October 2007 18:01:24 Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 17:41 -0300, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> > 
> > I have to disagree. I humbly believe I fit the description, and
> > actually tried on a test system, manually with aptitude (both in the
> > CLI, and the TUI) and tried correcting every broken dependency I
> > could, only to realise the expression "dependency hell" is very
> > apropriate. I'd say it's not only unsupported, but in fact unfeasible,
> > but YMMV.
> I didn't say it's easy :) You made me curious, what exactly were the
> problems

It was when Feisty was recently released, so I don't remember the details. But 
aptitude's "advanced dependency algorithm" (compared to apt-get) wasn't 
enough - it gave up after several minutes every time I tried.

I also tried to make it one step at a time (upgrade/dist-upgrade, then retry; 
sometimes a reboot in between, even against my beliefs that it wouldn't 
matter - and in fact it didn't). Then I reached a point when no package 
upgrade was possible. I don't remember what was stuck, but by then the system 
was mostly unusable, and I had to choose between manually downgrading every 
installed package, or installing feisty from scratch. 

I even thought of documenting my experience, but only for a brief moment... ;)

> > Something will HAVE to change from dapper to the next LTS (the
> > H-something).
> What do you mean?

That the problems I faced are expected to happen, by the devels, and will be 
dealt with the time comes.

- Porque quebra a linha de leitura.
- Por que não é bom escrever o reply em cima do email?

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