Intel 950 and 1680x1050 resolution

Jesus Roncero jesus at
Tue Nov 27 12:52:10 UTC 2007

On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 22:40:07 -0600
"Dana J. Laude" <kc9aae1 at> wrote:

> Last year I bought a new LCD that did 1400x900 and my old vc didn't 
> support that, so I went and bought a new vc also. (FX5500 Nvidia)
> How about it folks, anyone with a Intel 950 Graphics chipset that 
> can run 1680x1050???

Thanks Dana, I found to very useful links for this:

So I did what the instructions say and used an old CRT that supports
high resolutions and it just worked :-)

Thanks a lot.
Jesús Roncero

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