problems saving in openoffice
Tim M
southern.tim at
Sun Nov 25 22:03:07 UTC 2007
On Nov 25, 2007 12:29 PM, Janne Jokitalo <astraljava at> wrote:
> Tim M wrote:
> > Shawn, the permission was the problem. I had problems we the cpu being
> > hogged. I never could stop it running greater than 50% all of the
> > time. So I transferred the directory to my little server and reinstall
> > Ubuntu. Of course I used a different name so therefore the lack of
> > permission. I assume I can go to the terminal and type sudo nautilus
> > and change the permission. Or be brave and try to do it from a command
> > line. I don't feel brave today.
> It's not really that difficult. Open up a terminal, and type (after the
> prompt, which the dollar sign is indicating):
> $ sudo chown -R user:user Documents/
> That'll recursively change the user and group to your username, which you
> replace obviously in the command. The colon there separates user from the
> group. -R switch means recursive, so it'll enter all subdirectories too if
> there are any.
> For the record, here's how it looks on mine:
> jaska at bowmore:~$ whoami
> jaska
> jaska at bowmore:~$ ls -l | grep Documents
> drwxr-xr-x 3 jaska jaska 4096 2007-10-31 19:47 Documents
> --
> Jaska
Thank Jaska, I will have to make a note of these commands. It was the
permissions. This is a new 40 gig hard drive. hmm, that is strange. I
just ran the chown command and got back this error message:
chown: `user:user': invalid user
I know I have used this command before without a problem setting up
the server. Well there is always something to learn. That is what I
like about Ubuntu.
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