wireless connection

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 18:23:37 UTC 2007

On Nov 24, 2007 1:03 PM, norman <norman at littletank.org> wrote:

> The help then goes on to suggest to "Boot the kernel with the pci =
> nopci option". I am very ignorant on technical matters and would be
> grateful if some kind person could tell me how I do this please. I can
> follow instructions and I will report back on what happens.

When you see the Grub boot menu (it might only stay up for a few seconds),
press the 'e' key (for edit).

Then you will see the lists of commands that are about to be executed.

I believe you end up on the first line, but if not, press the arrow key to
go there.

Press the 'e' key again, to edit the first line.

Go to the end of the line and add the text "pci=nopci" and hit Enter.

Press the 'b' key to boot.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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