Gutsy is unusable for many, but an official statement is missing

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sat Nov 24 04:07:38 UTC 2007

pe, 2007-11-23 kello 18:24 -0400, Derek Broughton kirjoitti:

> It's never too early to submit a comprehensive bug report :-)  But you
> really need to be able to submit _some_ evidence of what's causing the
> freeze.  

To make sure that no one understands this wrong, the 'evidence' means
that you report all you know about what seems to be triggering the
unwanted behaviour - or might be somehow related. You often don't know
what's relevant and what's not. You will be asked questions, if, despite
your efforts, there's not enough information in your bug report.

There's a thorough description of how to report bugs at
When you click the link DebuggingProcedures, you'll see a list of links,
one of them being
It will propably help a lot if you want to make a good bug report about
your system crashing.

A little lengthy, but definitely worth reading if you want to do your
best to help developers to fix your bug, is this page (linked from
ReportingBugs above):


Ari Torhamo

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