installing a NIC card

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Nov 21 17:56:41 UTC 2007

usabdasc at wrote:

> I tried 8139cp.? It was found, but it didn't seem to do much.? I tried

Why does every sentence end with a ??  Never mind...

> 8139 and it seemed to get me part way there.? I can now go into System -->
> Network Settings and set up an IP address and a Gateway.? 

Generally, you'll have better luck with not putting _anything_ in Network
settings (/etc/network/interfaces should usually only include settings
for "lo").  Especially, you don't usually want to put an IP address and
Gateway in there - those are usually set for you by DHCP (particularly if
this is still on the corporate LAN).

> A check with 
> ifconfig shows that the IP address I set is present.? Still, the box will
> not access the web with Firefox and known good local boxes can not be
> accessed with ping.?

That's why you want to let DHCP set it for you, and Network Manager will do
that if you just make sure to leave the interface out
of /etc/network/interfaces.


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