More Mutt, Root Mail, No Mailbox Stuff

Marius Gedminas marius at
Wed Nov 21 14:28:51 UTC 2007

On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 05:33:59AM -0800, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Just finished installing gutsy and up to date. After
> bootup and logging into terminal, messages say I have
> mail(there should be as there were many messages from
> the upgrade that root should get) so I open mutt and
> the status bar at bottom say "no mailbox". However,
> there are two such mailboxes in /var/mail and
> /var/spool/mail.

What does echo $MAIL say for you?  Are you setting the MAIL variable in
your .bashrc/.bash_profile?  Are you setting $spoolfile in your

Also, you can always open those mailboxes directly with mutt -f

> This is a long standing issue with me as most will
> remember and I would like very much to get it resolved
> very much so. I elected to use the maintainers conf on
> everything so as not to carry over any feisty setup
> conf. I still suspect this issue involves elements of
> not having a FQDN, Muttrc and but after much
> googling and reading, I haven't a clue what to do.

If you have a mailbox in /var/mail, then FQDN and are
irrelevant.  Muttrc might be relevant.

Marius Gedminas
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for.
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