How to disable icon stretch in Gnome Desktop?

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Tue Nov 20 23:02:24 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 20 November 2007 22:05:16 Jim Kronebusch wrote:
> I have locked the background picture for all our users with gconf-editor. 
> Now they have figured out they can download pictures then use the stretch
> feature to cover the desktop with whatever they want.  This wastes time,
> and can look pretty poor if anyone tours our labs (who knows what the
> students will have for photos).  I have been looking for a way to globally
> force all desktop icons to the default, but have had no luck.  Google just
> tells me that the feature is there to stretch icons....I know that already
> :-)  And I've looked at most every setting in gconf-editor and cannot find
> it.

Hello Jim,
Maybe we can set permission of readonly for the Desktop direktory? That way 
the student won't be able to save anything on the desktop.

Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial
06:02:20 up 51 min, 2.6.22-14-generic GNU/Linux 
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The real challenge of teaching is getting your students motivated to learn.
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