screen wavy after upgrade to Feisty - refresh rate? can't config display in kcontrol...

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Sat Nov 17 04:32:27 UTC 2007

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 22:02:06 -0500
anthony baldwin <anthony.baldwin01 at> wrote:

> Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 18:05 -0500, anthony baldwin wrote:
> >> Caleb Marcus wrote:
> >>> I'm not sure I understood your message correctly, but if you're
> >>> thinking that Gutsy is the "unstable" release and Dapper is the
> >>> "stable" release, that's incorrect... both are stable, but Dapper
> >>> is LTS, which means it's supported for longer.
> >> I thought every other release was more experimental, being
> >> Edgy, and now Gutsy, and the others (dapper and feisty)
> >> were the more "stable (I guess longer support then?).
> >> I´ve been known to use the same os version for nearly two
> >> years, so long as their are updates...
> >> Like I said, for me, if it ain't broke, why fix it?
> >> I don't need a lot of eye candy and entertainment stuff (except
> >> xmms to listen to tunes while I work).  I need to be able to edit
> >> and translate documents, communicate online...stuff like that.
> >> I try to keep it simple....One more reason why gnu/linux beats the
> >> pants of windows...I don´t have to have all kinds of unnecessary
> >> garbage on my machine everytime I install an os.
> >>
> >>
> > Actually, Dapper Drake is version 6.06, which is a Long Term Support
> > (LTS) release. The next LTS release is scheduled to be version 8.04,
> > which will be a direct upgrade from version 6.06. LTS versions have
> > a minimum of three years of support for the desktop version, and
> > five years for the server version. The regular releases have a
> > minimum of 18 months support. You can verify this here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > The only truly experimental version released was Edgy, version 6.10,
> > when Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu´s parent company,
> > requested as much cutting edge software as possible be included as
> > could be.
> > 
> > So, for stability, I would stay with dapper drake until the release
> > of the next LTS version, and then upgrade to that when it is
> > released.
> > 
> > Good luck, 
> > 
>, Feisty has what, about 1 year of support yet, and, about
> the time that runs out, I´d be able to directly upgrade dapper to the
> newest LTS release.
> is that right?
> Ya gotta kinda wonder why I upgraded then...
> Actually, 8.08 must due sooner, since dapper was already out for
> about a year before I dove in about a year ago.  I think.
> Of course, so far, feisty seems pretty cool.
> Not that I see much difference, really.
> Actually, it seems to be lacking some KDE features that dapper had.
> Will I be able to upgrade from Feisty directly to the newest LTS
> release? Actually, under fedora, which I used for about 5 or 6 years
> before coming to Ubuntu, I would do a completely fresh install about
> every two years, anyway, and I sometimes skipped releases.
> omgwtfbbq
> /tony
First, not 8.08, but 8.04. No, you won´t be able to upgrade from Feisty
to the new LTS, because Dapper Drake, version 6.06, is the LTS version
which will be replaced by the new LTS version. Feisty Fawn, version
7.04, was upgraded by Gutsy, version 7.10. 

Good luck,

Charlie Kravetz
[] Linux Registered User Number
425914 Never let anyone steal your DREAM.

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