does linux have a "did you mean......" component for the command line like Google?

Caleb Marcus caleb.marcus at
Fri Nov 16 06:58:13 UTC 2007

That sounds to me like a bad idea... it would probably lead to more
errors. Anyway, you can always type part of a command and hit tab to
complete it.
On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 01:34 -0500, John Toliver wrote:

> You know how when you type something that may be misspelled and Google 
> comes back with "Did you mean this?" spelling properly what you were 
> trying to search for.  Can I install a package that lets me get to the 
> command I am looking for even  if I happen to mis a letter? For example 
> smbpaswd vs. smbpasswd.  Big difference when trying to get the system to 
> play nice in a windows network.
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