VMWare - existing XP Drive

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 15 22:13:23 UTC 2007

I finally got enough memory for the 2.4Ghz machine and now have 1.2Gb of
mem in it. The machine has two 40Gb hard drives: Ubuntu on 1, WinXPPro
on the other. I use the WinXPPro for troubleshooting & testing.

This works well in a dual-boot config, but can be a PITA when I'm
troubleshooting multiple customers (one linux, the other windows) at the
same time. So, I'm thinking of giving this a try:

[Configuring a Dual-Boot Computer for Use with a Virtual Machine

Many users install VMware Workstation on a dual-boot or multiple-boot
computer so they can run one or more of the existing operating systems
in a virtual machine. If you are doing this, you may want to use the
existing installation of an operating system rather than reinstall it in
a virtual machine. ]


Anyone try/use this & if so what problems (in general) have you run into
if any?

Note: I still wish to retain my current Grub & ability to dual-boot.
I'll also probably reduce the memory down to 1Gb so that it will run
dual-channel vs running in single-channel mode with the extra 256Mb chip
I have in it now.

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