kmail lost some emails!

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at
Tue Nov 13 13:04:23 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 13 November 2007 Luca Ferrari's cat, walking on the keyboard, 
> Hi all,
> hope someone can help me. Today my disk run out of quota while kmail was
> opened. All the emails in a local folder disappeared, while the other
> folders seems to be intact. Even reopening kmail does not produce any
> effect: only one folder seems damaged. The folder has other subfolders that
> contain mails that are displayed. Is there any way to repair the situation
> (hoping the emails were not effectively lost)?

I didn't mention, but I'm unable to search/filter e-mails in such folder, that 
is I'm pretty sure it is not a visual effect due to a filter/sort mechanism.


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