How to filter search results in a google or yahoo searchengineresult list

niel bqz69 at
Tue Nov 13 09:59:45 UTC 2007

On Monday 12 November 2007 23.15.00 Tipton, Timothy wrote:
> > I will try to explain a little more detailed, what kind of program I
> I don't know about yahoo, but on Google, if you do a search, for
> instance, on "gold rings" you get 1 million plus pages, if you scroll to
> the bottom of the page of the first results, there's a link there that
> says " Search within results" ... which takes you to a new search page,
> but only searches within the results of your original search.
> I would post a screenshot here, but since it's plain text... well...
> Give that a try.
> Tim

Thanks - I made a test, and reduced about 1.3 million results to 6, it took me 
just a couple of minutes.

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