network printing

Tim M southern.tim at
Mon Nov 12 02:03:04 UTC 2007

On Nov 11, 2007 6:56 PM, Alex Janssen <alex at> wrote:
> Tim M said the following on 11/11/2007 12:31 PM:
> > I am trying to set up so that my laptop can print to my computer
> > running XP. I find that much simpler that having to figure out how to
> > set up Ubuntu to print because my printer is not connected to my
> > Ubuntu server. Anyway the problem is I can set up the printer using
> > SMB as in smb://workgroup/gateway/epsonStylusC Thjs setup page gives
> > me the option of Print Test Page, Print Self-Test Page, Clean Print
> > Heads . . . it will print a test page without a problem BUT Apply is
> > grayed out so that I cannot apply the settings. Any ideas on how I can
> > apply these settings so I can use the printer from my laptop?
> >
> > Thanks, Tim
> >
> Seems to me that Apply is greyed-out if you haven't changed anything or
> you don't have permissions to change anything.
> Just fishing here.
> Alex
> --
Hi Alex,

I would agree except when I select Change Device URI (hmm should that
be URL?) I select SMB Printer . . . I can browse for it and Verify =
Verified This printer is accessible.
At that point I click apply but in the Printer Configuration -
localhost the Apply button is still grayed out. I checked the
permission (print sharing) on the XP box . . . its okay. Strange . . .

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