FQDN Misery Re: To: Postfix, Mutt And No Root Mail? & amavisd-new Install

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 9 01:01:33 UTC 2007

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

>> Personally, I think you're trying to do too much.
>> Why don't you uninstall
>> amavis, and get your mail working _first_.
> I could but it's not fully installed or configured so
> I don't think it's affecting anything. 

Of course it is - you're showing errors trying to start (or even just
install) amavis.

> In it's broken 
> condition I may not be able to uninstall(not true,
> apt* -f install will do it plus all the depends). If
> it ain't hurting anything let's leave it. I know what
> is keeping it from fully installing. There is no
> /etc/mailname which the program depends on.  

I would be highly surprised if it "depends" on it.  postfix uses that as an
override, but uses the same value you get from "hostname -f" otherwise.  

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