Not able to install ubuntu 7.10.

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Nov 8 15:51:43 UTC 2007

On 11/08/2007 05:16 AM, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> to, 2007-11-08 kello 14:30 +0800, lu sy kirjoitti:
>> Hi, I have downloaded the iso file and has burned it on the CD. I have
>> also checked the cd is working properly and also verified the ms5sum.
>> When i boot from the cd, it showed an error message " genome error"
>> but it continues to run. When it comes to the orange desktop screen, i
>> clicked the installation icon, then the whole thing freezes. I can no
>> longer proceed.
>> My computer is running on AMD Sempron 2400+ 1.67GHz 192 MB RAM. It has
>> a VIA/S3G Graphics 64MB, VIA SATA RAID Controller. Currently running
>> on window XP professional version 2002 service package 2.
> You may install Xubuntu, as Nils says in his reply. If you want to use
> Ubuntu, you may put more memory into your computer. You would only need
> 64MB more of it, though 128 or 256MB would be nice. Used memory modules
> would be cheap to buy. If you don't know how to add memory to your
> computer or what kind of memory to buy, just ask here :-)
> Regards,
> Ari Torhamo

I have an old Thinkpad A21M running on 128Mb. Rather slow but works just
fine otherwise. I also tested against Xubuntu and found that the
standard version runs just as fast, and in some cases faster than
xububuntu. In additiona, you get all of the standards bells & whistles
of Ubuntu in the process. Download and install using the Alternate CD,
then install in text mode. Then when you get a chance, add more memory
as advised.

Re cheap memory: I'm finding that the older memory modules are becoming
more expensive than the latest & greatest.

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