high cpu useage

Tim M southern.tim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 01:39:51 UTC 2007

On 11/3/07, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On 11/03/2007 12:24 PM, Tim M wrote:
> > Hi,
> > The cpu usage on this Dell Inspiron 1200 is running between 40 to 70%
> with
> > almost nothing running. My desktop system, also running 7.10 Gutsy . . .
> > runs with extremely low cpu usage even with twice the programs running.
> I
> > think this have been covered before but I didn't pay a lot of attention
> to
> > the discussion. Anyone have any ideas how I should troubleshoot this
> > problem?
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >
> Check to see if you have any of the following installed:
> tracker
> apparmor
> If so, kill/remove tracker & consider doing the same for apparmor.
> Also check to see if you have any network applications that might be
> scanning for port activities; VPN, DNS etc. I've notice in the past that
> several applications that I've mentioned sometimes do not seem to show
> up in top or System Monitor. I ended up hunting them down via Synaptics
> & then removed one at a time. I'm sure there is a better command line
> tool, but top didn't show all process and neither did the gui System
> Manager. Don't know why, perhaps I was doing something wrong.


Both tracker and apparmor were running and I uninstalled both and rebooted.
We will see how it goes.

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