Playing DVD movies

Carl Spitzer cwsiv at
Sat Nov 3 01:45:00 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 09:16 +0530, arijit sarkar wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 02:14 +0000, lhunsicker at wrote:
> > Good evening again, folks:
> > 
> > One of the other last glitches is that I can't get ubuntu to play the movies
> > from my DVDs.  The Movie Player is working fine on files on my hard drive.  But
> > when I direct it to my CD/DVD reader, it tells me, "An error occurred.  Could
> > not read from resource."  
> > 
> > When I use the File Browser, I can see the files on the DVD just fine.  But
> > obviously this DVD intended to be read by a windows machine, as it has two *.exe
> > files and an autorun.inf file, and then two subdirectories.  
> > 
> > If I open totem and then try to open one of the files in the VIDEO_TS directory,
> > totem tells me that I need to add some codecs, but it doesn't tell me which ones.
> > 
> > Any suggestions, anyone?
> > 
> try 'libdvdcss2'

I also tried to install that and the win32codec with sudo and they were
not found.  


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