SLOW boot and LONG wait when logging out to switch users.

damian misc at
Fri Nov 2 19:58:45 UTC 2007

Jonathan Hirschman wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 11/02/2007 08:15 AM, damian wrote:
>>> damian wrote:
>>>> I have 2 ubuntu machines. One of them is taking a long long time to get 
>>>> from the gui screen starting up (cream background and spinning cursor) 
>>>> and the login screen coming up. This used to take about a second, but is 
>>>> not a couple of minutes.
>>>> Any thoughts on this?
> I've seen similar situations when when drives, for whatever reason, just 
> want to go to sleep. I have a server with seagate boot drives that just, 
> well, spin down unless they're told not to. Note that modern drives 
> will, sadly, try to learn from your behavior and then set their default 
> power savings accordingly.
> I'd suggest reading up on hdparm, and then setting your drives to 
> absolutely NOT timeout whatsoever. Then see if you have the same issues.
> This works for me:
> hdparm -S 0 /dev/sdb
> ...but use hdparm at your own risk.
> If that works, put in your rc.local, set it to be executable, and forget 
> about it.
> jh
I don't think it's that because I get the same behaviour if I've been 
actively using the machines or if they've been left for a while. Doesn't 
feel like a hard drive waking up. Feels much too slow for that too.

Is there a way of logging what takes what amount of time to execute 
during boot up, logging in and logging out?


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