lightest possible weight ubuntu?

Michele m.zarri at
Fri Nov 2 09:43:47 UTC 2007


I have found a properly old laptop gathering dust in my house the other day
and I was thinking of giving it to my sister in law who always wanted her
own laptop.
It's a Pentium III with 128MB RAM (soon 256 as I found someone selling a
128MB module on eBay), an ATI radeon M6 graphic card and 30GB hard disk...
not exactly top of the range eh?

I installed (net boot since the CD drive does not work) Gutsy but it is not
usable, so I was wondering if there is a way to give this laptop a new
lifeline by installing a very lightweight linux distro.
Basically the laptop will be used to write documents, browsing and email.
Provided I find a CD/DVD-ROM drive also watching movies would be nice, but
that's aready an extra!
Other issue: as I think my sister in law does not even know that linux
exists, I would prefer to have gnome as desktop manager because that's the
one I have always used so if she asks for help I know my way around.

Any suggestion?


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