jabberd2 multiple domains problem

Albert Czarnecki aczarnecki at osanet.pl
Mon May 28 11:51:49 UTC 2007


I have a server with ubuntu 7.04 where I installed jabberd2.
Now I have run jabberd2 with multiple domains, I configured c2s.xml and 
second session manager sm-mynewdomain.com.xml
Edit jabberd2.cfg and I add
sm /etc/jabberd2/sm-mynewdomain.xml
When I restart jabberd2 /etc/init.d/jabberd2 restart the second config 
sm not loaded, but when I run jabberd on console like this: jabberd -D 
second sm config is running.
Anyone know why config isn't load when I restart jabberd2?



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