scanner problem solved

W.D.McKinney dee at
Wed May 23 19:07:42 UTC 2007

----- Original Message -----
From: norman
[mailto:norman at]
To: ubuntu-users
[mailto:ubuntu-users at]
Sent: Wed, 23 May 2007 10:14:10
Subject: scanner problem solved

> Having read and contributed to the correspondence on the non-working of
> scanners in Ubuntu 7.04 and what to do about it, I sat back in my chair
> to consider what had really changed, that I could see. What struck
> non-techie me was the kernel had changed and everyone was saying that
> the scanner problem was caused by the kernel. So, I decided to boot 7.04
> using the 6.10 kernel and now my scanner works. The only thing which
> does not function, as far as I can tell, is sound. My sound is on the
> motherboard and if anyone has any ideas on how to get my sound back I
> would be delighted.
> Norman


This most likely is a modules issue for the sound system. Are you familiar 
with lsmod insmod, etc.?

You to figure out the model of the sound card and find a module that works.
If you have a supported card it should not be hard.


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