new scanner

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Tue May 22 10:29:25 UTC 2007

Eberhard Roloff a écrit :

> A final word in regard to your old scanner:
> I understand that it worked in Ubuntu 6.10, but now does not with the
> newest Feisty.
> If this is correct, it would be helpful to know what make/modell your
> scanner is. What did you do in Edgy to make it work that you cannot do
> in Feisty?
> I can hardly imagine that Feisty does not support a scanner that worked
> on a previous version of Ubuntu.

I can. As many other users, I just happen to have one. This scanner is 
perfectly supported in Linux by open source drivers, that's why I bought 
it and never had problems with it.
In this case, the problem is in Feisty - not the scanner, nor Linux in 


Each Ubuntu release has its regressions. In Edgy, some webcam stopped 
working. They work now in Feisty, however now some scanners don't work 
anymore. Gutsy might solve the scanner problem, while introducing 
another regression.


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