avast home edition for linux(ubuntu 7.4)64 bit system]

Munip Ober elektronik_9 at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 11:05:37 UTC 2007

Thanks for your suggestion.
  I have tried it.Logo is present on the screen.
  on double click. "avast is running" message.it stops in 1-2 second .But there is no action on screen.
  I am entering "avast"command and "avasgui" on terminal.
  It says "command not found". But that command is present in that directory.
  Thanks for helping.

Pavel Cimbal <cimbal at avast.com> wrote:

the problem isn't in the filename, but in the architecture. Of course - 
you can force the installation architecture (and in the case of any 
further problem when running the app, take a look here: 
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=26492.0 ). The architecture is 
_anyway_ i386 internally, so the package labeling is correct (yes, we 
could "fake" the target architecture to "amd64" and produce another 
package with this minor change only, but it can be solved easily at the 
end-user side as well):

try to use dpkg -i --force-architecture 
avast4workstation_1.0.8-2_i386.deb and this should solve Your problem. 
If not, please tell me about it and we'll try another solution.

Pavel Cimbal

This issue was also discussed here:

> Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 01:54:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Munip Ober 
> Subject: avast home edition for linux(ubuntu 6.10)64 bit
> system
> To: support at avast.com
> Hello
> I have just download that and `sudo dpkg -i
> avast4workstation_1.0.8-2_i386.deb`
> from a CLI in the directory. After download, double click
> the deb from
> my file manager.
> Result:
> I tried that way but the problem is "i386" term.
> it wants the term "amd64",and stops. I changed the file
> name to "avast4workstation_1.0.8-2_amd64.deb". But I think
> there is an extra control in ".deb". it stopped again.
> Can I use the patch "i586-x86-64-em64t-patch.tar.gz" about
> this problem?
> Thanks for helping.
> */Munip Ober /* wrote:
> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:07:24 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Munip Ober 
> Subject: avast home edition for linux(ubuntu 6.10)64
> bit system
> To: support at avast.com
> Hello
> I have installed avast4workstation-1.0.8.tar.gz.
> I did it according to "install file" like following way.
> "No installation is required, files in the bin/ can be
> run directly after
> unpacking the .tar.gz archive. If you would like to
> integrate avast! into
> your KDE or GNOME desktop....."
> But there is a problem. It's not working.
> Could you send a list about files? Which files where
> is in the file folder system?
> Thanks in advance
> Munip
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