Problem with ethernet -- SOLVED

Michael S Peek peek at
Fri May 11 13:58:50 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Yeah, but that's not the same thing as "Wasn't the routing table supposed to
> take care of that?"  That implied, to me, that you expected to be able to
> prioritize routing over two active interfaces.  If you deselect one, then
> select the other, it _should_ be reruning dhclient on the latter.  That's
> likely all that was needed.  If they're both already up (they were in the
> example you showed) and then take one down, the other can't automatically
> get an address. 

No no, just one interface active at any time.  (Although I may toy with 
bonding the two and see what happens...  But that's an experiment for 
another day.  I've bonded two wired interfaces before, but never tried 
bonding w/ a wireless interface.)

When I captured what I posted earlier, I had a terminal window open 
running "while true; do clear ; ifconfig -a ; done" to show me the 
interfaces going up and down.  Whenever I would take down the ath0 
interface I could see that "inet addr:" and "inet6 addr:" lines 
disappear from ath0 -- but then a couple of seconds later the "inet6 
addr:" line would return.  Not knowing anything about IPv6 I just 
assumed that this was normal behavior.  And since our organization 
doesn't use IPv6 I just ignored it.  I never checked it after rebooting 
seemed to have fixed my problem.  I'll have to take another look at it 
when I get back to the office and can give it another try.

Thanks for your help!


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