Trouble installing server

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Fri May 11 06:41:08 UTC 2007

On 5/11/07, Jan Sneep <jan at> wrote:
> I downloaded the 7.04 Server iso which made a boot-able CD and the install
> seems to have worked, except that on the boot-up it hangs at "Running local
> boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" and goes no further. Just hangs there. If I
> hit enter I can login with the user ID & Pswd that was created during the
> install. But I'm stuck there.

If I understand you correctly and you can log in, that's it, you've
successfully installed the server version. That version doesn't
install any graphical user interface (most servers don't have any). If
you're looking for that, either install the desktop version to begin
with or type:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

on your recently installed server.

I have 7.04 server and it runs headless. I do all management through
ssh, scripts, monitoring daemons that send me email, etc.

It sometimes comes as a shock to people coming from Windows, but
that's what most Linux servers look like. If you're brand new to
Linux, I'd suggest starting with the desktop version and play around
from there. All of the same server components are available. The only
real difference is the kernel. The server version uses a kernel
optimized for network services (like databases and Web servers), while
the desktop kernel is aimed at making local applications more


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